
For children 24-36 months

Choose from flexible enrollment options of two, three, or five half or full days.

Our Two Year Old Program, inspired by Dr. Montessori's profound insights into child development, caters to children aged 24 months to 36 months. Recognizing the sensitivities of independence, order, movement, and language as pivotal elements in growth, our program provides a tailored Montessori experience.

Physically, the two-year-old is developing coordination and motor skills, and the Montessori classroom provides opportunities for movement and sensory exploration. The child is encouraged to engage in purposeful activities that enhance their fine and gross motor abilities.

Independence is a key theme during this stage, and the two-year-old is given opportunities to practice simple tasks that contribute to their self-sufficiency. This may include activities like dressing themselves, pouring water, or arranging objects, all designed to foster a sense of autonomy.

Language development is also a significant focus, with the two-year-old immersed in an environment where spoken language is rich and varied. Vocabulary is expanded through interactions with teachers and peers, setting the stage for future language acquisition.

Socially, the two-year-old is learning to navigate social interactions, share space, and engaged in parallel play with their peers. The Montessori environment provides a supportive and nurturing community that encourages positive social interactions and communication.

Enrollment is limited.

Two’s Program

Preschool Program

For children ages 3 - Kindergarten

Choose from flexible enrollment options of half or full days (Primary Program is 5 days a week).

In the Montessori classroom, the 3-6 year-old child is engaged in purposeful activities that cater to their expanding interests and abilities. The child is drawn to the carefully prepared environment, where a wide array of Montessori materials are available to explore. These materials, as well as the trained guides, foster concrete learning experiences in areas such as mathematics, language, sensorial exploration, cultural studies, and practical life skills.

Independence is a key focus during this stage, with the child taking an active role in choosing activities, managing their time, and caring for their environment. The Montessori 3-6 year-old child is developing and refining fine and gross motor skills, developing concentration, and establishing a foundation of skills necessary for future learning experiences.

Socially, the child is learning to interact with peers, sharing experiences, and practicing conflict resolution. The mixed-age classroom allows for collaboration and mentorship, with older children often guiding younger ones, fostering a sense of community and cooperation.

Language development continues to be a significant aspect of the Montessori 3-6 year-old's experience, with a focus on spoken language, early literacy, and the exploration of written expression.

Enrollment is limited.

Placement is based on age, toileting independence, language and overall stage of development.

For the young 3 year old

Choose from flexible enrollment options of two, three, or five half or full days.

In the Montessori classroom, the three-year-old is encouraged to embrace independence and autonomy. They are developing a sense of order and routine, enjoying activities that promote coordination, concentration, and fine motor skills. Language acquisition is a significant focus, with the child expressing themselves through words, gestures, and social interactions.

The Montessori approach recognizes the importance of nurturing the child's social and emotional development. The three-year-old is learning to navigate relationships with peers, practicing cooperation, and building a foundation for empathy and understanding.

Enrollment is limited.

Placement is based on age, toileting independence, language and overall stage of development.

Primary Program


Education is a natural process carried out by the human individual, and is acquired not by listening to words, but by experiences in the environment.

~ Dr. Maria Montessori

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